Only pilots who meet or exceed CAMTS requirements and their respective state requirements are considered by Air Evac Lifeteam. Before a pilot can fly for Air Evac Lifeteam, the candidates must demonstrate instrument proficiency in a dedicated Level 7 flight training simulator. Air Evac Lifeteam is among the few air medical companies with this stringent practice.
Pilots must also achieve standards established in Air Evac Lifeteam's proprietary, FAA-approved training program. The 18 to 21-day course delivers operational and procedural instruction, as well as aircraft and transport-specific training in the Bell 206, Bell 407, and Airbus AS350, EC130, or EC135 helicopters.
As part of their continuous improvement program, all pilots are required to complete recurrent training, which includes a Part 135/NVG check-ride, on an annual basis. Training is oriented around the air ambulance operational flight profile, including flying at night and landing on hospital rooftop helipads, and unimproved rural terrain, such as pastures and fields. Base assignment requires rigorous, base-specific flight orientation training to become an authority on local hospitals and landmarks and location of obstacles such as towers. Pilots also receive simulator training every four months on procedures for encountering Inadvertent Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IIMC).
Air Evac Lifeteam's instrument-rated pilots are skilled aviators who become proficient air medical pilots by training under the company’s proprietary and Federal Aviation Administration-approved program. Each certified pilot meets FAA standards and has flown, on average, more than 5,700 hours.